Frequently Asked Questions
What do my club fees pay for?
Club fees are broken down by tournament registration fees, equipment, potential gym rentals, and website fees. We also hold a $25 deposit that will be applied directly to your club fees at tryouts.
How do I pay club fees?
There are 2 main ways to pay club fees. The first is to get onto this website, click under the Teams page, and then locate the team you are placed on. There you can put your team into your cart, then checkout and pay using your credit card. The second way is to pay by sending money to our Venmo account (@TigerJuniors) and include your daughter’s name in the caption so we can keep track.
How much are jerseys? Do we re-use them from year to year? Can we do a jersey exchange?
We will order Nike Jerseys for $45 this year. We will keep these jerseys from year to year, so you will have the same jersey until you are done or potentially grow out of your jersey. We have discussed holding a jersey exchange if your daughter has grown out or graduates from the club and will no longer need their jersey. More info to come!
How do we travel to these tournaments? Is there a team van or are we in charge of traveling?
In order to keep club fees as low as possible, we have parents drive their daughters up to tournaments. If you need to carpool your daughter with another, then that will be eligible. We recommend you always get your daughter to a tournament 45 minutes early from start time.
What equipment is required? What do we need to purchase?
We require black spandex, kneepads, and tennis shoes for tournaments. (We hold a team shop for this equipment if you are interested). We recommend always having a hair tye to pull up hair and a water bottle to keep on your daughter always, especially during a COVID year. The jersey will be required for tournaments as well.
How often are practices? What times are they usually?
Practice times are based on what gyms are available. For the most part, practices are usually held twice a week and can be anywhere from 6:00-7:45 AM in the morning or usually from 6:00-9:00 PM.
What are tournaments like? How long do they last?
Tournaments start anywhere from 8:00 or 9:00 AM in the morning. You will play in a “pool” play, where you are grouped together with 3 other teams. You will play each of these teams, then be seeded into tournament play. You will then play until you lose or win the tournament in this play which can end anywhere from 3:00 to 7:00 PM at the latest.
How does COVID affect the season? Are spectators allowed at matches?
As of right now, we are not sure if spectators will be allowed at matches. We have suggested using Facebook Live or another type of videoing service to stream your daughter’s if this is the case. However, if tournaments allow spectators, we will let you know ASAP. COVID is a situation to situation basis, and we will do our best to make practices, matches, and events healthy, sanitary, and safe in association to Tiger Juniors.
Any questions we missed? Let us know!
Please fill out the following form if you have a question not answered.